20+ Difference between Average and Weighted Average

In mathematics and statistics, the average and the weighted average have their practical applications in the world of business and finance.

But the methods for determining either are distinct. The average may be calculated by taking the total number of observations and dividing it by the total number of measurements.

Finding the median value in a group of numbers requires using the average statistic. A mean is the same thing as an average.

Finding the mean of a list of figures. Accounting uses a weighted average to compare different groups’ results.

Comparison Between Average And Weighted Average

ParameterAverageWeighted Average
MeaningTo compute it, you will first need to make a tally of all of the observations, and then you will need to divide that total by the total number of times that it was measured. Finally, you must increase that last figure by 100. Finally, the very last step, but certainly not the least important, is to increase that amount by one hundred.The answer should be obtained by multiplying the total number of observations by the total amount of the material.
TypeIf one were sufficiently driven, one could use an equation to describe the present condition of events happening all across the earth. This would need considerable motivation.Not only is it a vital component of such activities because it is required for such actions to take place, but it is also an important component of the day-to-day operations that are carried out in the financial sector. This is because such actions must take place. This is because these kinds of actions cannot take place without them.
ResultBecause its physical appearance is comparable to that of a data collection, this tangible thing, which, for the sake of this particular situation, is acting in the capacity of a data collection, might also be regarded as a representation of a data collection.Before attempting to devise a solution to the problem that is now at hand, it is necessary first to carry out a situational analysis of the circumstance in question. Therefore, this step has to be taken before attempting to think of a solution to the problem.
FormulationIf we use the formula derived from arithmetic, we will be able to find a solution for the data set that we are now working with.When trying to come to a conclusion on anything, it is essential to consider the degree to which the various factors that need to be evaluated are relevant to one another. This is because there are an extremely high number of different factors that need to be taken into consideration.

Major Difference Between Average And Weighted Average

What exactly is Average?

Calculating an average involves dividing the total number of observations by the number of observations used in calculating the average.

Averages may be found by doing this. Its primary purpose is to locate the data set’s midpoint. It’s also called a mean or average.

The method is used to determine the average of a selected set of data. Information representation is its primary use. Using the mathematical formula, we can get the answer for a given data collection.

Key Difference: Average

  • To calculate an average, divide the total number of observations by the total number of measurements and then multiply the resulting number by 100. 
  • This will give you the average. This will give you an estimate of the median.
  • Not only is it feasible to determine a mean by using mathematics, but doing so is also strongly encouraged.
  • In the process of representing the data, the statistic known as the mean is used as an important piece of information.
  • For the purposes of computation, it is possible to determine the set’s mean value by following the technique outlined in mathematics.

What Exactly Is Weighted Average?

In accounting, the weighted average is a common calculation method. Finding the proper value or weight is the key goal.

For example, the weighted average is the value of the principal repayment of certain bonds or loans until the principal value is paid.

Another variation in the average is the weighted average, which differs somewhat in how it calculates its results.

Not all observations are created equal; some are more crucial than others. Each data point is amplified by the corresponding value and then combined together.

Key Difference: Weighted Average

  • Calculating the weighted average is as simple as multiplying each observation by the assigned weight, and the result will be the weighted average.
  • The field of finance often makes use of a formula that is known as the weighted average. This formula may be found here.
  • In the meanwhile, an investigation into the weighted average has to be carried out so that a problem may be addressed and resolved.
  • Due to its pivotal function, the weighted average has received much attention.
  • This is responsible for a sizeable portion of the decision-making process for the ultimate outcome.

Contrast Between Average And Weighted Average


  • Average- To calculate the average, one must first make a tally of all of the observations included in the sample, and then one must divide that tally by the total number of observations included in the computation of the average.

    Only then can one arrive at the average value? The figure that indicates the average cannot be determined until this step has been completed.
  • Weighted Average- To find a single value that can be applied to the whole collection as a whole, an approach known as weighted averaging is used first, followed by a technique known as simple averaging.

    This is done to arrive at the most accurate result possible. If you use this method, you must give each piece of data that constitutes a collection its unique degree of significance to get the most out of it.


  • Average- The use of the simple average is unrestricted by any particular criteria, making it suitable for usage in any setting.

    Other averages may benefit if additional requirements are satisfied, including weighted and moving averages.

    These conditions include: However, if these requirements are satisfied, it will not be possible to apply conventional averages.
  • Weighted Average- A weighted average, as opposed to a simple average, is utilized in calculating an average that will be based on a variety of percentage values assigned to several different categories.

    This is because a weighted average considers each category’s relative importance. In the second scenario that may play out, each observation that goes into constructing a set will have its own distinct frequency.


  • Average- The simplicity of computation and understanding that comes along with using a simple average is one of the primary benefits of adopting this approach. Another advantage of using this method is the reduced likelihood of errors.
  • Weighted Average- Because most data points tend to cluster around the center and the average, a weighted average represents the data points rather than simply using an average.

    This is done because a weighted average considers the tendency of the data points to a cluster. In addition, it is resistant to the destabilizing effects triggered by an abnormally high number of outliers or an excessively high number overall.


  • Average- When computing a simple average, the presence of outliers may have an effect on the mean of the computation.

    This is because the mean is a measure of central tendency. This influence might have either a good or a bad outcome. This is because outliers are very extreme values compared to the rest of the data.
  • Weighted Average- On the other hand, the user has complete control over the weights, and they may be adjusted to reflect their tastes in line with their freedom of choice.

    However, even though the weights themselves are open to interpretation, it is possible that calculating a weighted average might become difficult when there are a large number of observations. This is because the weights themselves are subject to interpretation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What are the key differences between a simple average and a weighted average?

It is important to bear in mind that when comparing weighted averages with simple averages, the former considers the relative significance of each item being averaged, while the latter does not.

As a result, it assigns a higher weight to the aspects of the average that are present a disproportionately higher number of times.

Q2. How is the calculation for a weighted average performed?

To calculate a weighted average, you must first multiply each factor’s relative proportion or percentage by that factor’s value in sequential order and then add the results of those multiplications together.

If an investment portfolio comprises 55% equities, 40% bonds, and 5% cash, then the yearly performance of each asset class should be multiplied by its respective weight to get the weighted average return.

Q3. What are the most important considerations while using weighted mean?

The use of weighted methods may benefit a broad range of contexts. A student may, for instance, compute his or her overall percentage grade in a class by using a weighted mean to do so.

In this particular example, the student would multiply the weights of all the evaluation items included in the curriculum.

Q4. What are the three different kinds of averages there are?

The mean, the median, and the mode are the three most common forms of averages. Each of these methods operates slightly differently and often produces findings that deviate somewhat from the average range.

The mean is the most frequent kind of average that is calculated. In order to get the average value, first add up all of the values, then divide the sum of these additions by the total number of values.

Q5. What exactly is average, and why is it such an essential concept?

You can obtain an estimate of a collection of data by finding its average, which is why the average is always between the highest and the lowest number in the data set.

Finding an estimate of a set of data requires you to discover its average. A data set’s values are added together, and the resulting sum is then divided by the total number of items included in the data set. This yields the result.

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