Top 500+ Books for Small Business Entrepreneurs

Top Marketing Bestseller Books

This is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn To Seen until you learn to see

Seth Godin is one of the best selling authors and indeed his blogs, online tutorials, books, and lectures have helped marketers and entrepreneurs. Rated first class amongst top-rated media. 

Contagious: Why things catch on

Rated by New York Times as one of the best sellers and authored by Jonah Berger of the Wharton School which needs no introduction, this book is a must for marketers.

Building a Story Brand: Clarify your message so customers will listen

Donald Miller, one of the best selling authors rated by the New York Times in this book shows the way to business leaders how to effectively connect with the customers. 

The 1-page marketing plan: Get new customers, make more money, and stand out from the crowd.

Allen Dibb as a rebellious market is an author of different sorts. In his book, the author has tried to explain his theory in a very innovative and unique way. 

Marketing rebellion: The most human company wins

The author Mark. Schaefer is one of the most renowned writers on Twitter. This book by Schaefer tells the marketer how to stay clearly ahead of the marketing imbroglio.

Marketing strategy: Based on first principles and data analytics

Authored by S.Sridhar and Robert Palmatier, this book delves into a basic crux of marketing which says that each customer and competition are different from each other including the resources.

Growth hacker marketing: A primer on the future of PR, Marketing, and advertising. 

Authored by Ryan Holiday, one of the best selling and popular authors, the book deals with the concept of growth hacking for business prosperity rather than traditional marketing tools.

One million followers: How I built a massive social following in 30 days.

Renowned digital strategist and author,  Brendan Kane explains how to get the best results in marketing from a whole lot of social media vehicles and messages in this quagmire.

How to launch a brand: Your step by step guide to crafting a brand: From positioning to naming and brand identity.

Fabian Geyrhalter in his book stresses the importance of proper and successful design to make a new brand successful. The book is a must for seasoned brand managers.

Never split the difference: Negotiating as if your life depended on it.

The book is a must for those marketers who want to clinch on a deal with negotiations. Authored by Chris Voss, an international hostage negotiator for the FBI. Must read.

Principles of marketing [ 17th edition ]

Philip Kotler is an acknowledged authority globally on marketing management and is one of the most popular teachers in the subject. The book mainly harps on the relevant  digital technologies 

Market-based management 

This book by Roger Best deals on profitability and marketing performance cou[led with marketing strategies for the betterment of the company. It also deals on the new digital trends 

Marketing: moving from traditional to digital

Kotler, Setiawan, and Kartajaya are international scholars in marketing. The book focuses on the transformation of marketing principle from the traditional to the digital one. A wonderful guide book.

Marketing to Mindstates

Will Leach in his book has shown how the principle of applied behavioral psychology is slowly and steadily playing a stellar role in marketing as the traditional principles give  way,

The one-page marketing plan

Allan Dib in his book has made a simple one-page marketing plan containing nine squares where the marketing plan goes up in an ascending way from flat zero reaching the highest.

Sticky branding

Jeremy Miller the author is himself a noted brand engineer and the CEO of a brand-building agency. In his book, Miller goes on to describe his unique way of brand building 

The CEO’s guide to marketing

Authored by Lonny Kocina, the book has been awarded several accolades for one of the best gooks in public relations and marketing. Most practical oriented marketing book in recent times.

The marketing book

The book by Jason Macdonald has received Amazon bestseller positions with rave reviews on the book by its avid readers. One of the most detailed marketing books in recent times. 

Marketing: Principles and practice

This book by Hollensen and Opresnik is an invaluable one for the beginners in marketing courses and a ready reckoner for even the seasoned marketing professionals. 

Top HR Bestseller Books

The Essential HR Handbook, 10th-anniversary edition 

Penned by authors Sharon Armstrong and Barbara Mitchell the book is a must for all HR professionals or persons in a smaller set up without a proper  HR department.

Start with why? How great leaders inspire everyone to take action.

Simon Sinek the author, in 2009, went on to start a movement of high motivation which in turn will inspire people to inspire their colleagues and develop loyal customers.

The way of the HR warrior: leading the charge to transform your career and organization.

Authors Monica Frede and Keri Ohlrich have emphasized the stellar role and importance of HR that paves the way for the organizational hierarchy and its culture and its utmost importance.

The new HR leader’s first 100 days: How to start strong, hit the ground running, and achieve success faster.

Alan Collins, the author, and a successful HR Manager emphasizes the fact that for a successful HR manager in any organization, the first 100 days are the most important period. 

Sample write-ups for documenting employee performance problems.A guide to progressive discipline and termination.

Paul Falcone, the legendary expert on HR endows within this book about the basic procedures that need to be followed to ensure proper employee discipline and termination procedures. 

SRHM Essential guide to Employment law

Author Charles Fleisher has done a yeoman’s job by compiling this book in absolute layman’s language various laws and legal references to employment, a must for HR managers’ references. 

Human resources kits for dummies 

Author Max Messmer truly feels that the quality of the employees and their functionality goes a long way in developing a customer-company relationship. Highly motivated employees are pillars of success. 

Human resources management, text and cases

Penned by K. Aswathappa, the book deals with the latest concepts that are emerging every day in the science of HR management. A must for all HR people cutting across industries.

Human Resources management by Pearson

Authored by Gary Dessler and Viju Varkey, the book is a must for all students of HR management and practicing managers. The book effectively deals with all HR tools in a practical context.

The big book of HR – Revised and updated.

In this book Mitchell and Gamlen, the co-authors have dealt with the current information in HR Sciences and specifically the strategic HR which makes the big difference in management.

Human resources management 16Th Ed

This book by Valentine/Meglich/Mathis/Jackson’s is almost considered a Bible of human resources management. With the 16th edition running, the book is must buy for professionals and also for interns.

Human resources management in public service

This is a book for all HR professionals in public services and public sector enterprises where various complex issues and situations arise daily. Authored by Berman, Bowman, West, and Van Wart. 

Human  resources management 15th Edi

The book by Mathis,  Jackson, Valentine, and Meglich offers extensive food for thought required for the betterment of any organization. The book provides thorough inputs for professional HR certifications.

Human resources management (15th Edition) (What’s New in Management)

Martocchio,  The author of the book has had thorough professional experience in HR firstly as a student and then with General Electric. He has also been awarded many professional accolades.

Human resources management: Functions applications and skill development

The authors Lussier and Hendon are both best sellers and the book emphasizes on the strategic function the HR Dept plays within an organization. A valuable book for training and development. 

Managing human resources- 17th Edition

The book by Snell, Morris, and Bohlander is unique and a path breaker in the sense that the lucid writing style with excellent visuals makes it an exemplary one indeed. 

Human resources management- 10th Edition

The authors Noe,  Hollenbeck, Gerhart, and Wright have amply shown the readers as well as the students of professional HR management the fundamental strategies for overcoming internal challenges within the enterprise. 

Employer’s legal handbook

Freid Steingold in this book has rightly earmarked pointwise,  the crucial issues that an employer has to face and the legal implications thereof be it wages, employee performance, and discipline. 

Top Accounting Best Seller Books

Profit first: Transform your business from a cash eating monster to a money-making machine

Traditional accounting works on the computation of profit as sales – expenses, but entrepreneur and author of this book Mike Michalowikz have proved in his book that sales – profit is expenses.

The goal: a process of ongoing improvement.

Both the authors Eliyahu M Goldratt and Jeff Cox have very successfully written a business graphic novel which is an eye-opener to the accounting management people the world over. 

The power of Zero: Revised and updated. How to get the 0% tax bracket and transform your retirement

Written by David McNight,  the latest edition contains details on the 2018 tax cuts proposed by the US Government, The print runs for the book is 2.5 lakhs copies. 

How to stop living paycheck to paycheck

One of the best selling personal finance titles by Avery Breyer, the book deals in how to make savings of extra bucks, how to be debt-free, avoiding budget traps, etc..

The wealthy barber

Authored by David Chilton, the title is one of the highest sold books on financial planning. The author explains the nitty-gritty of personal finance and attaining personal independence.   

Simple numbers, straight talks, big profits

The authors Greg Crabtree and Beverly Blair Harzog in their book have shown simple and straightforward ways to increase business profitability by using the company’s key financial indicators. 

Top ten ways to avoid taxes.

Both Shapiro and Quann are one of the best finance management thinkers of today and in the book, how to deal with excessive taxation and tax planning are dealt with. 

Get what’s yours: The secrets to maxing out your social security 

Solman, Moeller, and Kotlikoff are very well known financial management people and they have dealt at length on the social security system, all of them comprehensively and with clarity. 

Simple numbers, straight talks, big profits

With more than 30 years of experience, Greb Crabtree in this book has discussed threadbare and step by step processes to enhance the profit margin and tools to make effective decisions. 

Fundamentals of enterprise risk management

In this wonderful book, John Hampton the author once again very rightly says that risk in business is unavoidable and deals with all possible strategies to minimize risk in business. 

Accounting for the Numberphobic

This book by Dawn Fotopulos is one of the best in management accountancy and the key features – balance sheet, profit and loss account, and cash flow account have been discussed lucidly.

Finance for non-finance managers

Gene Siciliano, the author, explains the techniques as to how the basic financial reports and cost analysis can be interpreted as well as operational planning and budgeting can be worked upon.

The Accounting game 

Both the authors Mullis and Orloff have very effectively explained the techniques to easily understand accounting and to gauge the basics accounting principles. Lots of worksheets are compiled. 

Schaum’s outline of principles of accounting

The authors Cashin and Lerner in their book apart from explaining the basics of debit credit, computation of interest, net realizable value, ledger, inventory it also looks into basic accounting concepts. 

Small time operator

One of the best guides for startups, this book by Bernard Komaroff in an easy to gauge language details everything of how to start an enterprise, organize permits, trade license procurement 

Basic accounting concepts, principles, and procedures

Gregory Mostyn the author has compiled the book in such a way that it is lucid, user friendly and easily understood. The volumes have a host of research-based modules. 

Accounting all in one for dummies with online practice

This book has some of the best excerpts from accounting principles books which means the reader can get the best inputs from other books on financial and management accounting along with tax accounting. 

Cost accounting and management essentials you wanted to know.

This is a wonderful book on cost accounting and its principles explained in detail with real-life case studies, their solutions, and practical approaches that are faced by cost accountants. 

Accounting principles: comprehensive beginners guide

Written by Dave Morgan, the book clearly explains that accounting principles are much more than sheer arithmetic only. It explains that accounting is a full ambit of law, economics, business organization

Barron’s accounting handbook

The authors, Shim, Seigal, Qureshi, and Dauber have done a yeoman’s job by penning this invaluable book which is a must for accountants. Controller of finance chartered accountants and CFOs.

Managerial accounting 

One of the co-authors of this book, Garrison is a beat selling author and this book strengthens the fact that managerial accounting forms an important part and crux of the organization. 

Accounting for small business owners

The book compiled by Tyco Press is an entire episode of creating a solid accounting base for the enterprise and making proper statements of accounts apart from setting up of suitable infrastructures.

Top Business Analytics Books

Cutting edge marketing analytics: Real-world case 

Authored by Venkatesan, Fassis, and Wilcox, who are experts in the subject themselves, the book extensively deals with in-depth and practical analysis of the subject citing real-life case studies. 

10 must-reads on AI Analytics and the new machine age

This is a part of the Harvard Business Review series and the name speaks for itself. The other two authors Porter and Davenport are specialists in their rights.  A must buy.

Competing on analytics: the new science of winning

Authored by Thomas Davenport and Jeanne Harris, the book is an invaluable one for anyone who aspires to get to the top with his business.  A must-read for all entrepreneurs.

Business analytics

The multiple authors of this book Camm, Cochran, Fry, Anderson, and Ohlmann help the reader in equipping him with the latest trends in descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. 

Microsoft Excel 2019, data analysis and business modeling

Penned by Wayne Winston, who is an award-winning author and teacher himself, The book has excellent case studies with in-depth analysis blending Excel with analysis and business modeling. 

Sport business analytics

Edited by Keith Harrison and Bukstein, the book is specifically focussed on the sports business industry and how the model of analytics gives a superior competitive advantage against the competition.

Business analytics: The science of data-driven decision making

In this book containing seventeen chapters, the author, U Dinesh Kumar explains in very detailed language the descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analysis lucidly very easy for the students to learn.

Business intelligence analytics and data sciences

Authored by Sharda, Delen and Turban the book is a comprehensive analysis of business intelligence and analytics giving a holistic and managerial approach to this science

A practitioner’s guide to business analytics

Authored by Andy Barlett, This is a must-read book for anyone into the business and practice of data analytics. A must-read book and should be followed to the core.

Business analytics data analysis and decision making 

Both the authors, Winston and Albright have dealt business analytics in the absolutely student-friendly way in lucid language with complete Excel 2016 integration. Statistical analysis is also dealt with amply.

Spreadsheet modeling and decision analysis: A practical approach to business analytics

Cliff Ragsdale the author, himself an authority in business analytics explains business analytics and spreadsheet modeling using MS Excel 2016. Good for learners to become proficient.

Data mining for business analytics. 

Authored by Bruce, Stephens, Patel, and Shmueli the book is a detailed summary and a perfect blend of theory and practice of data mining and business analytics which is handy.

Behind every good decision 

Both the authors Priyanka Jain and Puneet Sharma are experts in their own right and in this book they have clearly shown that even a layman can understand Business analytics.

Business analytics [ 2nd edition ]

The author James Evans has delved into the basics of business analytics in such a  way so that with the help of tools so that it can be learned at ease.

Business statistics and analysis in practice

Authored by a host of business analytics experts, Bruce Bowerman et al have extensively covered business analytics and statistics and shown how effectively to use data for drawing an inference. 

Building analytics team

Written by John K Thomson, this invaluable book is a must for senior executives and managers who are an integral part of the team dealing in analytics within a corporate. 

Business analytics and decision making

Written by Albright and Winston, the book is a complete guide for business analytics, data analysis, and decision making by using various models, spreadsheets, and all relevant tools.

Data mining and business analytics with R

In this book by Ledolter, the importance of the open-source solution R has been truly emphasized. It is useful for interpreting the correct inference from a wide volume of data. 

Business analytics for managers 

The book by Laursen and Thorland describes the roles and importance of analytical models to enhance the company’s growth in the age of competition and upheaval. A must buy

Key business analytics: 60+ business analytics tools

Bernard Marr, the author, has done a yeoman’s job wherein he has earmarked many tools for the benefit of the managers to understand the market and the customers better.

Predictive business analytics 

Both the authors, Maisel and Cokins have penned this book which is a bit ahead of the current trends in business analytics. The importance of Predictive business analytics has been highlighted.

How to start a business analytics career.

The Author,  Laura Brandenburg has in details analyzed the path ahead for making business analytics a career for both who want to make a career and who are already in it.

Business analytics using R – A practical approach

The two authors Nayek and Hodeghatta explain the fundamental aspects of data mining. Machine learning and business statistics to get a clear view of the total data generated. 

Business analytic principles 

The three authors Schneiderjans and Starkey have authored a title which in a nutshell makes a completely holistic approach towards making the subject very easy for the freshers.

Essentials of business analytics 

 This book by Sridhar Seshadri goes a long way as a textbook cum guide for business analytics programs. This is a very ideal book for practitioners.

Business analytics for managers

As the business scenario is changing with more and more corporations going in for more and more data compilation, this book by Jank is a guide to work on data-driven solutions. 

Business analytics using SAS enterprise guide

The book by Olivia Parr Rud is a sort of detailed tutorials providing vast knowledge using SAS Enterprises’ guide and SAS Enterprisers miner goes a long way. 

Top Books on Investment

The intelligent investor: the definitive book on value investing

Authored by Benjamin Graham and Jason Sweig, this book is rightfully considered as a bible for investors. Graham is one of the biggest investment advisors of the century.

The book on rental property investing

Brandon Turner, the author is himself a real estate investor and the book elucidates hand-on experience of real estate investment containing excellent advice and strategies. 

Rich Dad poor dad

Considered as an international bestseller author Robert Kiyosaki’s book is one of the best personal finance books of all time and translated into several languages around the earth for decades.

The book on managing rental properties

Once again penned by Brandon Turner and Heather Turner, this book gives valuable insights into effectively managing properties without hassles, unwanted tensions, and reaping profits from the properties.

How to day trade for a living

The author Andrew Aziz in his book has very clearly explained the fundamental principles of day trading, the purview of day trading, the types of day trading, and their strategies.

Build a rental property empire

The book by Mark Ferguson who is himself a real estate investor is extremely practical with enumerating all details of how to find a property till the time of sale.

Money Honey

The author Rachel Richards who is herself a best selling author enumerates in detail her theory of seven steps guide to reorganize personal finance scientifically and fruitfully. 

If you can’t wholesale after this, I have got nothing for you.

Written by Todd Fleming, this book is a masterpiece explaining techniques of clinching a deal in real estate financing without having to invest a single farthing. A must for investors.

The simple path to wealth

Authored by J L Collins the book is a simple journal of all relevant and lucrative ways to create wealth and personal finance even if hassles come in the way. 

Investment 101: from stocks and bonds to ETF and IPO

The book doesn’t deal with heavy languages as far as explaining the organization of personal wealth and investment planning. Rather it goes straight into the subject and solves the basic query.

The Wall Street Journal complete money and investing guidebook.

The book by Dave Kansas is a must-buy for all people who want to have an advanced retirement plan or investing in stocks bonds shares. A must buy a complete guidebook.

Investments 10th edition

Authored by Marcus Kane and Bodie the book is based on the theme that the prices of the securities comply with their risk and return attributes. Asset allocation is an important chapter. 

Investments: Principles of portfolio and equity analysis

Mcmillian and others who have authored the book are experts in their rights from the CFA Institute. The book deals at length with the technique to effectively manage finances. 

Top General Management Books

Leadership strategy and tactics 

The book by Jocko Willink gives details of how a new appointee must go about in his new role along with step by step strategies of climbing up in an organization.

Settling the table: the transforming power of hospitality in business

One of the best selling management books by Danny Meyers, the book gives detailed insight stories of how a business organization should be effectively managed to cut across industries.

Winning now winning later

Published very recently in June this year, the book by Dave Cote has already become a best seller in its own right. The title is an eye-opener for business leaders.

The seven habits of highly effective people

The popularity of the book by Stephen R Covey can be gauged by the fact that it has already sold 25 million copies and is in its 25th-anniversary edition. A must-read for all senior executives.

Lesson from the Titans

Authored by Davis, Copeland, and Wertheimer this book is a must-read for all managers especially to cope up with market instabilities, upheavals due to world economic disruption, etc. 

Extreme ownership

This book by Willink and Babin is already the 1 best seller as per the New York Times.  The book deals with   US Navy SEALS, yet their exploits are a must-read 

International business: competing in the global market place

The authors’ Hill and Hult are authorities in international business, Hult being from Michigan State University. This book is a comprehensive analysis of international business policies.

Excellence wins

Penned by Horst Schulze, the book is an excellent saga of reaching the pinnacle of professionalism and expertise, the book is a must-read for customer service personnel also.

Inclusify; the power of uniqueness and building to building innovative teams

A path-breaking vivid saga in all respect, Author Stephanie Johnson, a management innovator herself, harps on the theme and concept of building diversified specialized teams for organizational betterment. 

The infinite game

The author Simon Sinek, himself a bestselling author describes the organizational culture as an infinite game unlike the finite games like soccer, basketball, etc and all tactics to win the game.

Principles of management

The three authors, Bright, Cortes, and Hartmann have used the modern way of general management like human resources, motivational principles, and strategic thinking notwithstanding the fundamental basics of management principles.

MGMT: Principles of management 4 LTR Press.

This book by Church Williams on principles of management is ideal for all those students that meticulously follow the relevant textbooks and gives them a wide variety of choices. 

The principles of scientific management.

The author Frederick Taylor is a globally known figure on scientific management principles and theory. His theory, known as Taylorism relates to coordination for the benefits of everybody in the enterprise.

Principles of management essentials you wanted to know

This book is a very practical approach for the managers and students alike as the chapters deal with customer and team relationships, business relationships, and the business tools for the manager.

Principles of management CLEP test preparation.

Authored by John Ogilvie, CLEP series books are very good for the preparation of exams for those who want to start afresh. Also, good for the   Army and the college graduates 

Under new management: How leading organizations are upending business as usual.

 David Burkus in his book has rightly pointed out that the day has come when the management in any organization should rethink their principles, practices, and strategies now. 

Five key principles of corporate performance management.

The author,  Bob Paladino being a seasoned professional himself, in this book describes why the famed bigger corporates are performing better than the others and what techniques and strategies they evolve.   

 Principles of product management 

The author, Peter Yang has done an exemplary job which is going to immensely help the aspirants for a product management job and also on the principles of product development. 

Top Sales Management Books

High output management 

Andrew Grove, the author has remained as the Ex-Chairman and CEO of Intel. No wonder this book is the number 1 best seller. Extremely ideal for sales managers and sales consultants. 

Manager’s guide to distribution channels 

Penned by West, Marien, and Gorchels, the book is an essential reading item for sales managers as distribution channels form a fundamental part of the sales and product management functions.

Sales and operational planning: the how-to handbook

Authored by Wallace and Stahl, this book is an extremely valuable guide as step by step procedures and techniques have been explained for S & O  planning, an important part of sales. 

Gap selling: getting the customer to say yes.

The author Keenan has earmarked pathbreaking rules and features to augment better sales revenue for the organization like more leads, elevated deal values,  shorter journey cycles, and perceptibly happier customers.  

New sales simplified: The essential handbook for prospecting and new business development

Mike Weinberg the writer, has given invaluable ideas on how to generate potential new customers rather than always depending on the existing ones repeatedly and techniques on closing the deals. 

Secrets of a master closer

Written by Mike Kaplan, the book explains that sales management and salesmanship are no child’s play, rather it is a science following certain basic laws, tactics, and set of rules. 


The author Bloomfield is an expert in B2B sales and his concept of Neuro selling lays stress on influencing the consumer’s thinking pattern which is the key for a  deal. 

Fanatical Prospecting

The strategy and probability of prospecting forms the crux of the book authored by Jeb Blount. The importance of prospecting has been discussed which is at the core of sales management. 

The Sales Enablement Playbook

The authors,  Bray and Sorey pinpoint the importance of the sales enablement in any organization for the growth of the enterprise. Sales Enablement is possible in any type of organization.

How to be a great salesperson by Monday morning

This book by David Cook is more or less like a sales guide book. It teaches the art of creating a desire in the consumer psyche, to close a deal effectively. 

Sales truth: Debunks the myth

Mike Weinberg, the author as the title suggests lays bare the truth about some portion of sales management and gives a clarion call to the sales professionals to rethink strategies. 

Acing the sales interview

The author Gregory Novarro himself has been one of the top echelons in pharma sales and in this book he discusses how to crack the interview for the top post.

World-class sales and operations planning

In his book, the author Donald Sheldon strengthens the great importance of S&O planning, and the important role the planning plays in the working and overall growth of an enterprise. 

Effective sales enablement through collaborative sales and marketing

Pam Didner the author and himself a successful marketer points out that apart from the usual sales lead generation, there are many other effective ways of sales enablement. 

The sixteen-word sales letter

Evaldo Albuquerque, the author in this book which has already got its label and trademark is a procedure to augment massive sales in online marketing. A Bible for online marketers.

Sales management simplified

The author Mike Weinberg in his path-breaking book clearly pinpoints the various lacunae that hit the sales departments and find out the relevant solutions thereof. 

Sales manager survival guide 

The author David Brock has rightly pointed out that the front line sales personnel are the warriors and cannon fodder. Brock analyses all hassles in details and finds effective solutions.

How to sell anything to anybody

Joe Girard, the author is acclaimed as a master salesman and his name has featured in the Guinness Book. His theory of trust and hard work is the essence of this bestseller. 

The sales development playbook

Written by Trish Bertuzzi, the only focus and crux of the entire book is growth, an explosive growth. For this Bertuzzi rightly points out that sales development is the only answer. 

8O/20 sales and marketing: the definitive guide to working less and making more

The 80/20 theory as propounded by the author Perry Marshall states that a salesperson can save 80% of his time by rightly concentrating on 20% of the market. Untapped markets can also be tapped.

Top Startups Books

The Lean Startup

The book by Eric Ries describes clearly what a startup means whether it is from a very humble beginning or a plush boardroom. The common trait is the inner zeal.

Starting a business quick start guide

Ken Colwell the author, a highly qualified man himself has written almost a Bible as the book deals in an all-inclusive sense every aspect of the functioning of a start-up.

The $ 100 startup

 The young maverick author Chris Guillebeau has complied with his first-hand experience from across the globe individual cases of business who have made fortune just from scratches. A thoroughly engrossing book

Buy then build

Walker Deibel the author, asserts in his book that the start-up entrepreneurs should right from the first-day endeavor to have profit and not to think like a start-up outfit.

Small business for dummies

Both the authors Tyson and Schnell with their sixty years combo experience they describe in pages after pages their experience, advice, and up to date as required for a start-up

The startup owners manual 

A mind-blowing book of 608 pages consisting of detailed charts, diagrams, and checklists, the authors Blank and Dorf have done a superb job for entrepreneurs planning for a startup. 

Business studies for dummies

This is a coursebook for students who want to complete a course in business studies or for persons planning for a startup. Penned by Pettinger, aspects of a start-up are discussed. 

The young entrepreneur’s guide to starting and running a business

In a beautiful unfolding way, author Steve Mariotti describes the real-life saga of certain entrepreneurs who have startups and how they turned their hobbies and interests into a profit-making venture. 

Legal guide for running and starting a small business

Both the writers Fred and David Steingold have done a superlative job for the start-up entrepreneurs by providing all detailed legal solutions that can crop up before starting the enterprise. 

Starting and running a business all in one for dummies

Collin Barrow and several renowned experts in their respective fields in this book have discussed, explained, and given the minutest details from starting the start-up until its growth.  

Starting a business all in one for dummies

Written by multiple authors in layman language, the book is a vivid account of details to start a business with step after step instructions, guidance in the initial years. 

How to start a business

Greg Shields the author has given a step after step guidance on how an entrepreneur should start the enterprise including fund management, create proper branding, and increased profits.

The 60 minutes startup

This is a unique book by Ramesh Dontha in which he has propounded many unique ideas and concepts by which one can start a successful online business from day one.

The Harvard Business Review Entrepreneur’s handbook

Harvard University needs no introduction to the corporate and academic world and the flagship journal of the varsity has published the book with handy examples and case studies.

The purpose is profit

Authored by a group of specialists, the book has already bagged the Amazon bestseller award under books for startups apart from new business enterprise apart from decision-making problem solving and entrepreneurship. 

Enough talk just do

The author Manuel Duboe in his book clearly states that there is no room for procrastination while building up a startup business. Instead, the motto for start-up business should be “ do now”.

Starting a business all in one for dummies

Both the authors Tyson and Nelson, have given step by step instructions of building up a successful start-up, making business plans, risk management, and eventually reaping profits right from start.

The start-up checklist

Penned by Rose and Gross this book apart from imparting step by step instructions also gives valuable tips for the legal processes, practical case studies, and other important issues.

How to start a small business in 2019.

Ronald Roberts the author, very lucidly has dealt with all pertaining points to start an enterprise be it basic funding, administration and office tips, soft skills, and successful business plan. 

The Entrepreneur mind

In this book, Kevin Johnson emphasizes that for a start-up to be a winner, the owner has to have an entrepreneur mindset. Here Johnson cites the examples of Zuckerberg of Facebook.

Straight talks for start-ups

Written by Komisar and Reigarsman the 100 rules book deals with actual cases and fact-based simple rules to beat the odds in anew startup setup. A must book for managers 

Start your own business sixth edition

A wonderful book for a start-up business, the book guides the readers on how to choose proper business partners, arrange funds, select proper employees, and give ideas on tax structures. 

The agile startup

The two authors Ritcher – Sand and Scheinrock hade meticulously compiled many anecdotes from real-life incidents and given an excellent picture of an ideal start-up in today’s age. 

The McGraw Hill guide to starting your own business

Authored by Stephen C Harper, this is one of the finest and best-selling titles of the publishing house. Once again the book tells about all the detailed nitty-gritty of the new business.

Top Books on Business Intelligence

Business intelligence: The savvy manager’s guide

David Loashin in his book has justified immensely the stellar importance of business intelligence in the modern corporate world. Loshin points out BI has become an inseparable part of the business environment. 

Data governance

This book by John Ladley is a must-buy for all corporate executives who are in the departments of business intelligence and data governance. Case studies in the book are of importance. 

Business intelligence: a managerial perspective on the analysis

Lots of case studies and practical examples are the uniqueness of this book by Sharda, Delen, and Turban. A must buy for managers and other executives to go deeper into BI.

Measuring data quality for ongoing improvement

This book by Laura Sebastian Coleman explains vividly how to measure and monitor data quality and the clarity of general concepts of measurements and thereafter much more on the subject

Data warehousing in the age of big data

Krish Krishnan in his book has in a very simplified way given all detailed inputs of how the most unstructured data can be properly stored in the company data warehouse 

The practitioner’s guide to data quality improvement

A very comprehensive guide created by David Loshin, the book is a must-buy for data managers, analysts, administrators, and data architects, and discusses tools for analysis, reporting, and planning.

Hands-on business intelligence with Qlik sense

The salient features of this book by Labbe Anjos Solanki and Dimaso stress the importance and benefits of Qlik’s sense and the salient features of Qlik sense in data science. 

Managing data in motion

This book by Aril Reeve discusses in detail the techniques and systematic transformation of data between computing systems and environments. This is because the concept of data in motion is becoming significant. 

Implementing analytics

The best part of this book by Nauman Shaikh is it simplifies the analytics and shows the innumerable ways of how a host of problems can be solved and fully taken care of. 

Mastering Qlik Sense

Both the authors Mahler and Vitantonio have very rightly stressed and emphasized the great role Qlik sense play as a self-servicing business intelligence tool for data discovery and analytics. 

Oracle business intelligence enterprise edition

This book exclusively by Screen, Khan, and Ward deals in the Fusion Middleware business intelligence by Oracle showing the full range of analytical, report creating, and reporting capabilities. 

Real-world business intelligence with Microsoft dynamics 

Both the authors Allen and Polino have tried to enhance MS dynamics GP skills, MS Dynamic Excel, and MS Dynamic BI Tools. A lot of MS dynamics user examples are there in the book. 

Qlik view essentials 

This is a very practical guide on business intelligence by C Sinha and the book presents how easily and effectively can Qlik view be used to create a customized BI Application. 

Learning Qlik Sense, the official guide 2nd edition

Authored by Ilacqua, Cronstorm, and Richardson this book has all the latest updates on Qlik cloud, Qlik sense modeling, Qlik analytic platform, and its importance in sales ad HR functions.

Business intelligence — strategic management collection 

An excellent testimonial by Jerzy Surma, the book testifies that business intelligence is an important management information tool and the dire importance of BI on important management issues and strategies.

Business Intelligence in plain language

The book by Jeremy M Kolb extensively deals with business intelligence, data mining, data transformation, data discovery, data warehousing, and a host of other features. 

Top Books on Finance

Money Honey

The seven steps as propounded by leading financial expert Rachael Richards the author is almost a Bible as it explains all possible ways to increase income and cutting done on expenses amongst other mind-blowing remedies.

A quantitative primer on investment with R

The author Rosenthal with rich experiences in Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs has shown the prime importance of R, the open-source statistical computing language in organizing finances for betterment. 

The total money makeover: Classic edition

The author Dave Ramsay is lovingly called the financial coach of the USA and this book is a bestseller as per New York Times. Excellent retirement and emergency plans construed.

The savage truth on money

Terry Savage has stressed upon the readers to take advantage of the new technologies to augment ones’ income and the profit. This will help in making better financial decisions.

Investing 101

The author Michele Cagan has straightaway delved into the subject of personal finances by providing practical solutions to stabilize oneself and increase personal wealth. A wonderful guide no doubt.

Corporate finance: The ultimate guide to financial reporting

The book by Greg Shields deals with the basics of corporate finance —- Financial reporting and management, business evaluation, and risk management. Deals on the entire gamut of corporate finance.

How to day trade for a living

Andrew Aziz, in his book, explains the basics of day trading, the main trading strategies for day trading to become a winner, where and when to start for optimum profit.

Personal finance for teens

A must-read for parents of high school students and students also. A very practical guide to creating a concrete financial base and back up from a very early start of life. 

The Fed and Lehman Brothers

The actual behind the scene stories of the fall and bankruptcy of the financial giant Lehman Brothers and why it was not pulled out of the gutters. Authored by Laurence Ball. 

How to manage money when you don’t’ have any

A practical no-frills matter of fact book by Erick Wecks on tips to achieve financial stability when one doesn’t have the money around.  Lots of day to day examples are given.

One up on Wall Street

This book by Peter Lynch is already a New York Times bestseller with more than one million copies sold. Great advantages that an average investor has over professionals have been discussed. 

Think and grow rich

Authored by Napolean Hill, the book is a landmark and a path-breaking one in terms of personal finances and seld development. More than 100 million pieces have been sold globally. 

Finance your own business

The authors Sutton and Detweiler have given extensive knowledge on business credit, acquiring business loans from small micro-lenders as well as to avoid scam companies in doing so effectively. 

The bank on yourself revolution

This book by Pamela Yellen is a best seller as per the New York Times. The author discusses all of the legitimate schemes to keep oneself financially secured instead of speculative gains. 

Tao of Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger has been a long time business partner of Warren Buffet and his quotes on business finance and financial management are just treasure trove. David Clark the author has done a great job.

How to read a balance sheet

This book by Rick Makoujy is very useful for an investor in company shares, for a stockbroker to read between the lines, and also for the business  and the financial managers  

Financial accounting: the impact on decision-makers

This invaluable book is a must for both students as well as financial accounting personnel as it quotes real-life models to show examples of financial decision making. Penned by Porter and Norton.

How to be a financial grown-up

The beautiful TV anchor Bobby Rebel and finance columnist in the course of her career has met several corporate honchos. This is a compilation of their success stories 

The new wealth management

This book by Horan, Evensky, Robinson, and Ibbotson includes course materials for interns, and financial personnel and the latest update on the subject from the CFA Institute with various practical cases. 

Financial planning, analysis, and personnel management

This book by Jack Alexander is a must-buy book for financial analysts and all connected with fiscal discipline. Planning, budgeting, forecasting, financial analysis all are discussed lucidly. 

Financial statement 3rd edition 

With more than 2 lakh copies already sold, this book by Thomas Ittleson deals in almost all parts of financial accounting and its principles and is almost a ready to use reckoner.

The Wall Street journal —- complete personal finance guidebook

In this book of Jeff Updyke, every detail of personal finance, savings plan, realistic budget, investments banking taxes, and insurance have been discussed threadbare. 

How to read a profit and loss statement

The authors Ramchandran and Kakani have discussed in length the relationship between the balance sheet and Pand L Statements, its implications, the reason behind its preparation et all.

Financial management 101 

Angie Mohr in her book has discussed business planning at length ranging from business planning, financial statement, forecasting, and budgeting to publicity and give a clear picture of the organization.

Top Books on Production Management

Introduction to materials management 

Materials management forms an integral part of the production and in this book authors Chapman. Arnold, Gatewood, and Clive have described modern supply chain management in down to earth language. 

Product management for dummies

Production management is the crux of any manufacturing organization and the production manager’s post assumes greater significance with tools of knowledge, which both the authors Schure and Lawley have stressed. 

The Production manager’s toolkit

This book by Sheehan and Gillet discusses the various traits like strategic management techniques, relationship building, and superior communication skills that are required from efficient production managers.

Inventory management, production planning, and scheduling

The authors Pyke, Silver, and Peterson lay stress on the prime importance of inventory planning in the production management process. TQM, materials requirement planning, Just in time management are also analyzed. 

The definitive guide to inventory management

A very thorough and comprehensive guide om inventory management which in turn results into more efficient handling of production, this book by Waller and Esper is one of the best in the category

Operations management

A very pragmatic approach to operations management coupled with supply chain management and all problems related to it, this book by Haizer, Munson, and Render is important for operations management personnel.

Manufacturing planning and control for supply chain management

All the four authors Jacobs, Berry, Vollman, and Whybark are experts in the field. This book has all inputs required for understanding manufacturing planning and control, resources and  operations planning 

Production planning with SAP S/ 4 HANA

Jawed Akhtar in this book, has worked on a wide-ranging guide on how to configure production planning, production workflow, batch management S & OP using SAP 2/ 4 HANA.

Operations management { McGraw Hill }

The book by Cachon and Terwiesh is typically for the students who are in the operations management course. All the latest researches and case studies have been included. 

Supply chain management: Strategy planning and operation

Authored by Meindl and Chopra, the book is invaluable in the sense that it discusses all the key areas of supply chain management including inventory, which all form part of the production. 

 Essentials of inventory management

This book by Max Muller is a ready reckoner for production managers. The book extensively deals with A to Z like tracking production costs to stock control and supply chain management.

Production planning and control (SAP PP) with SAP ERP

Jawed Akhtar in his book has laid immense stress on SAP PP and SAP ERP for fine-tuning the production planning process, organizing S & OP, material requirement planning, and capacity requirement planning. 

Production and operations management system

Gupta and Starr have rightfully in their book laid great importance on the P and OM system which is the key to any manufacturing and production process. 

The 12 principles of manufacturing excellence

Larry Fast in his book discusses the basic twelve processes required for delivering the unmatched products blending the culture, leadership qualities, correct strategy development, and shop floor performance.

Production and inventory control handbook

James Greene the author has done a great job as this book contains probably all the hassles that can be faced in production and all their probable solutions. An ideal reckoner.

Building a quality management system

This is a must-read book by the directors, senior managers, and executives because at the end of the day the superior quality of the product is what the customer wants.

Top Books on E-Commerce 

The complete website planning guide

Darryl King the author with his experience of 20 years has almost created an instruction manual for website designing in a very pragmatic manner.

E-commerce business: Shopify and dropshipping

A very simple guide with easy reading as to how to operate a dropshipping model, what dropshipping is, the details on Shopify. Written by Brett Standard, a guideline for online marketers.

The ultimate beginners guide to blowing up on YouTube in 2019

Benny Sloan has very clearly in his book explained the reach, utility, and planning the content strategy on YouTube and described plainly the ways of channel promoting and video making. Though 2019 has been mentioned, the strategies are perfect for years to come.

e- Bay business – all in one for dummies

E- Bay as the author Marsha Collier explains, is a platform of learning the tricks of a perfect online business. Collier explains how to source merchandise and thinking beyond E Bay.

Banking on digital Growth

The book by James Robert Lay emphasizes that the traditional way of a sales transaction has made way to more usages of mobile banking, digital lenders, and fintech.

How I made $ 1 million selling word press themes.

An excellent guidance book by Stylemix group and Ligay for the web developer or a budding entrepreneur or an online business developer. Ideal for both the beginners and experienced.

Social media marketing for business 2020

An ideal book on the ins and outs of social media marketing,   this book by Richard Flagg explains at length on social media marketing, its basics, and tools like FaceBook. 

The Digital Mom handbook

Here is an excellent guide book for women by Mc Lellan and Padilla, who want to start earning from home through various social media options and tools and be a successful businesswoman. 

Website optimization

Andrew King in his book has given unforgettable tips, strategies, and techniques for optimization like pay per click, search engine optimization, optimizing conversion leads amongst other important ideas. 

E-mail marketing for dummies

Email marketing is assuming an important role and John Arnold has educated the reader on email marketing strategies, list building, message creation, and result tracking as well as legal guidance.

Getting digital marketing right

This book by David Bradley is a perfect book for one who wants to succeed in digital marketing and online business. Guidance in detail has been enumerated at the top.

Dropshipping business startup on a budget

David Lancaster in this book of eCommerce business successes has dealt extensively on the practical ways of starting a dropshipping business, its pros and cons, and its viability and feasibility. 

Ready set Growth Hack

This book on growth hacking by Nader Sabry has dealt with chapter after chapter the benefits of growth hack, its development kits, strategies and to create the right mindset.

Professional blogging for dummies

Susan Getgood, the author feels that although many people are bloggers themselves, yet they do not know how to make money out of it. The book is a  guide in that direction.

Constructing usable shopping carts

Authored by Kerr, Sevens, and Evans, the book in a very simple language explains the development of the cart and e-business web applications. Kerr himself is a reputed web architect.

Marketing in a Web 2.0 world.

Peter Van Rysdam and Brian Gold Farb discuss that with the advent of web 2.0 technologies even the small enterprises and giant corporations are in the same plank as far as web technologies 

e-Bay shipping simplified

 eBay now forms an important part in e-commerce and the author Nick Vulich has extensively dealt with all aspects of the shipping in e Bay right from the first step.

eCommerce: business on the internet

The scope of e-commerce vis a vis the current trends in business, online banking and other transactions, internet advertising with case studies have been dealt with by the authors Constance and Bruce Mclaren

Scaling for e-business

A very detailed step by step guide prepared by Almeida and Menasce, to plan an e-business site, the book also discusses the necessary steps to avoid site crash and evaluate customer behavior.

Web designs and marketing solutions for business websites

A wonderful book by Kevin Potts where every detailed aspect of creating a website irrespective of the client size has been discussed. The chapter starts with the planning stage for functionality.

From Passion to profit

Clare Hughes in her book rightly feels that becoming an entrepreneur is much easier now with the net and online marketing, this book is an excellent step by step guide in that endeavor.

 Proven portals

The author Dan Sullivan discusses at length the procedures to design a scalable portal and to work on the cost factor of the same. Better SEO and navigation have also being discussed. 

Top Influential Books

From the sea to the C suite

Being the chief of the world’s largest credit union, the author, Cutler Dawson has increased the enterprise size by four times making it one of the best financial bodies globally. 

Ball Gowns to Yoga pants

This the story of Dr. Shelley Hipsky who rose from a professor to bag the best businesswoman and the entrepreneur of the world award after becoming CEO of a media group.

Extraordinary influence

This is an extraordinary narration by Tim Irwin and Tim Tassoupoulos on the CEOs who by their innovative ideas and motivation can get the best out of their colleagues

Brave leadership

This book by Kimberley Davis is the # bestseller in business leadership, business motivation and self-improvement categories declared by Amazon. The book is a guide book for today’s business magnets.

Principles: Life and work

The book is on the life and times of Ray Dalio founder of Bridgewater Associates which is today the fifth most important private enterprise in the USA. Dalio himself is the author of the book

That’s what she said

The writer Joanne Lipman in this book writes about the women professionals in top positions and proves that with women at the helm of affairs the company performs better financially.

The best of Dale Carnegie

One of the best motivational speakers and self-help authors of the world, This book collection by Dale Carnegie consists of some of the best known of his bestseller books. 

How to win friends and influence people

One of the best-known titles penned by Dale Carnegie, the title has been an international bestseller consistently for decades. Already more than 15 million copies have been sold. 

How to stop worrying and start living

Dale Carnegie when asked why he penned this title had once remarked that he had spent a very unhappy childhood himself. This is what drove him to write such a pathbreaking title already sold 6 million copies.

The five essential people skills 

Another of the Dale Carnegie bestsellers, the author describes the seven different personality traits, better communication, better understanding of the people amongst others. The book also makes the reader assertive mentally.

The quick and easy way to effective speaking 

Communication is a very important part of corporate governance and internal communication be it public speaking or not. Dale Carnegie in this book has strictly emphasized on the effectiveness of communication

Make yourself unforgettable

Dale Carnegie discusses here the techniques to manage communication problems and to enhance key social skills and ethical behavior. A book of great value also is a great confidence booster.

How to enjoy your life and your job

One of Dale Carnegie’s highly popular books, it focuses on human relations, peace, and happiness of mind, how to handle people and to win their confidence and get the job done.

Prosperity bible

This book authored by Napolean Hill is one of its kind in the sense that it deals with all types of money-making options in every religion, philosophy, and self-help 

Iaccoca, an autobiography

Lee Iaccoca will always be revered and honored globally for his stellar performance as the CEO of Chrysler to turn the company from near brink of disaster. His autobiography is a must-read 

Where have all the leaders gone

Lee Iacocca the globally famous MD of Ford and Chrysler laments at the sorry state of affairs in the American automobile industry and the then American political leadership for the country’s shape. 

Talking straight 

Authored by Lee Iaccoca and Sony Kleinfield, this is an exceptional book on public life. 

Top Books on Creativity

The creative copywriter’s workman

Written by Tom Attea, one of the best known creative writers in the industry and  was with Y & R explains many critical guidelines for the concept of copywriting both for traditional and digital advertising

The art of the idea

John Hunt the author has been the creative head of TBWA Worldwide, and in this book, he gives solid ideas and tools to achieve the pinnacle of excellence and creativity.

How to write great copy 

The author Dominic Gettings has been with the advertising industry for decades and in this book, he writes vividly on his experiences as a copywriter of repute.

Pantone shade

The bible of all creative personnel be in advertising, packaging, designing, or anything to do with colours and reproduction, Pantone has introduced in this book extremely unique colours to suit every mind. 

Write on target

A McGraw Hill Publication book, it is one of the best books for explaining in details the two most powerful tools of direct marketing; how to draft sales letters, handbooks, 

Meatier marketing copy

Marcia Yudkin has explained in details the language, tone, details, language draft, grammar etc that go on to make a copy that will be able to arouse interest in the customer minds. 

Marketing survival guide

This book provides the perfect idea of how one can grow the sales, and eventually the client’s profits. 

The belief Economy

David Baldwin in his book has propounded a new theory where he proves that unlike traditional marketing the current trend is to make customers believe in the product efficacy or services.

The Art of creative thinking

The author Rod Judkins is a lecturer in one of the best colleges in the world, Central ST. Martin’s College of Art and has held solo exhibitions at the famous Tate Gallery.

Top Books On Designs

Thoughts on design

Authored by one of the finest designers, Paul Rand, and forward by another designing icon, Michael Bierut, the book is being reprinted again after the 1970s to meet popular demand.

Graphic designs, rants, and raves

Steven Heller in his book reiterates that design or more specifically graphic design is everywhere. Heller takes specific examples of English letters and explains the point of brand designing. 

How to think like a great graphic designer

This is a wonderful book by Debbie Millman looking into the works of some of the best known graphic designers of today. Also discussed are their  brand designs with the authoress 

Evil by design

Chris Nodder in his book has amply shown how applied and marketing psychology, marketing techniques, and design concepts. It also discusses techniques to enhance desires and commitments in customers. 

Book cover design formula

Anita Nipane in her book has given a step by step guide of creating very attractive book covers at a low budget. She has also discussed design concepts, and design secrets.

Mastering layouts

Mike Stevens, one of the best-known designers globally teaches the basics of creating a layout of any design meant for marketing, use graphic designs, and finalize a visually appealing layout. 

The Creative thinking handbook

Both the authors Griffiths and Costi have designed this creative handbook with step by step strategies and problem-solving skills to be noted down and creating design layouts thereafter.

Design thinking

The book by Thomas Lockwood is ranked amongst the best selling titles in design, marketing, and brand communications. Design elements for branding and services have been discussed extensively.

Looking closer 

This is a compilation of some of the brilliant writings on designs and the prominent contributors are those who of designs like Glaser, Lupton, apart from the editor Michael Bierut himself. 

The packaging design book

Edited by Wiedemann and Pentawards this is a compilation of some of the best designs and winners of awards from 2008 to 2016. The detailed names of behind the scenes people are included. 

Identity designed 

Authored by David Airey, one of the best designers, the book describes in detail the processes of identifying and freezing on aspecific brand identity. A must-read for brand designers. 

Logo design global brands

Edited by Julius Wiedemann, the history behind the logo designs, its strategies, and final executions have been explained ranging from an array of industries including FMCG and FMCD. 

A designer’s research manual

Written by O Grady, the book is a designer’s Bible. At least 25 case studies have been mentioned, the research behind the case studies, updating the image, illustrations, and visualization. 

Package design workbook

This book by DuPuis and John Silva describes the entire process of working on a packaging design right from the inception stage, to layouts, choosing the package format.

Creative workshop: 80 challenges to sharpen your design skill

David Sherwin in his book discusses 90 creative case studies threadbare, in which design solutions in multiple media and the role of typefaces are examined by top designers globally.

Creative strategy and the business of design

Douglas Davis rightly discusses in his book that the design schools impart theoretical knowledge on the subject. It is the practical field experience that teaches the business aspect of designs. 

Designing brand identity

An ideal book written for the designers, product managers, and brand managers, it very lucidly discusses the detailed process for designing and freezing on the brand logo and identity.

HTML and CSS: Design and building website

Both languages are extremely useful for web design developments and the author John Duckett has explained the two languages in layman’s language so that anyone can understand.  

The packaging designer’s book of patterns

This book by Ruth and Wybenga for the last twenty years has remained as the benchmark for a variety of packaging designs helping the designers to solve their problems.

Logo design

Edited by Julius Weidemann, the book is an excellent guide for logo designers, brand managers, and students of marketing and mass communications. Diverse brands have been focussed.

Graphic design for everyone

Author Caldwell has done an excellent job in this book by elucidating ten major steps to work on stunning and eye-catching graphic designs for stationery, sales brochures, catalogs even website designs.