Enrollment of patients
As we know SOP is a general term used for standard operating procedures. In healthcare setup foremost priority is patient. It is mandatory that the organization should provide maximum comfort and support to the patients and their attendants.
Patients and their families start assessing the quality of health organization moment they reach the front desk for enrollment. So, it is mandatory that staff at the front desk should be provided with standard guidelines.
Guidelines will help them in understanding their role and work thoroughly. The given document will help the organization to run in a disciplined manner.
These standard steps will provide the required understanding to staff for enrolling the patient.
It will help hospital staff in increasing their productivity and adequate comfort to the patient during the process of registration.Patients and staff both will save their time and energy, as a result, it will improve the quality of health care.
With the help of standard written guidelines, staff will do their work with more accuracy and clarity.The document will hospital staff in understanding do’s and don’t s of their job.
Enrollment of patients in the hospital is the first step for starting the treatment. Enrollment of the patient is mandatory for keeping track records. It helps the hospital in counting the number of new patients.
It will be beneficial in keeping a record of services utilized by the patients. In the case of private hospitals, enrollment records will help in managing finances.
The basic aim of patient enrollment is
- Getting the basic information about the patient.
- Generating a unique identification number for each patient.
- Maintaining Individual files of the patients for documentation.
- To make sure the enrollment process is performed in the same manner by everyone.
Who should be enrolled
- Patients who are coming for the first time.
- All emergency cases.
- Enrollment is mandatory for both outpatients & inpatients.
Who should not be enrolled
- Patients should not be enrolled twice.
- If the facility required by the patient is not available.
- If the patient is not willing for enrollment.
- Patients who were not alive or came for autopsy.
Process of enrollment
- The patient or in case the patient is not in a state to fill the form, the attendant is provided with the enrollment form.
Information should be filled in the form are as follows-
Name, age, sex, occupation, Marital status, religion, contact details, address in case of the minor patient and emergency case relationship of the attendant.
- The form is duly signed by the patient.
- All the information provided in the form is entered into the computer.
- Unique identification number is generated.
- A print of basic information is taken on the card and given to the patient.
- The patient is asked to remember the unique identification number for future visits.
- At last fees are collected for the visit and treatment.
During the registration, process the patient should be informed about the validity and usage of the unique identification number.The patient should be assured that all the information provided by them will be kept confidential.
In case of minor patient presence of guardian is must except in an emergency or accident.In case of accidents and emergencies, patients should be enrolled as unidentified for starting the treatment. Basic information should be filled as soon as the patient is identified.
Modifications in the basic information, once it is saved, will only be done with permission.If an individual is not able to tell their unique identification number, with the help of other information it can be cross-checked.
A good healthcare system is a basic requirement of a country. Basic requirements for a Healthcare system are qualified doctors, medicines, and equipment. Without the availability of essential medicines, healthcare organizations will lose their credibility.
Department of pharmacy plays a major role in the purchase of medicines. Therefore it is necessary that the concerned department should follow standard guidelines for the purchase of medicines. Medicines can be life-saving if selected carefully and it can have adverse effects also. So, there is no scope for committing in mistake while purchasing the medicines.
Individuals who are involved in the purchasing of medicines should follow rules and regulations. Written guidelines will make the purchasing process transparent & achieve the lowest possible total cost, timely delivery and more reliable.
Standard documentation will help in the selection of cost-effective essential drugs.
*Quantification of medicines can be done with the help of guidelines.
*Selection of the appropriate supplier can be done.
*Guidelines will help in managing, monitoring of procurement system.
*Guidelines will help in the training of staff who are involved in the purchase of medicines.
The purchase of medicines is a process that involves various departments and experts. It should be properly planned and monitored at regular intervals.
Steps for purchase of medicines
1)Purchasing process involves substeps-
1.1 ) Selection of the required medicines
1.2). Quantification of the medicines
1.3). Specify the drugs
1.4). Sexting the supplier
1.5) Making tender
All these responsibilities should be divided among different groups so that everyone can focus on their work without any bias and easily.
2) The demand for medicines should be collected from hospital staff and experts.
3) After collecting the demand inventory should be checked for the availability of medicines in the store.
4) After checking the store list of essential medicines should be prepared which needs to be purchased.
5) Only those drugs should be purchased which are FDA approved.
6) Name of medicine, the quantity of medicine and cost everything should be entered in the computer.
7) The purchase should only be done from a licensed company.
8) For every Purchasing tender that should be formed do that procurement can be done within budget.
9) But medicines only from the company who holds the contract as per the tender.
10) There should not be any hidden clause in the tender. It should be transparent to avoid any kind of personal benefit.
11) Once the tender is out it should be monitored so that medicines are available on time wherever required.
12) In the tender generic or international non-proprietary name of the drug should be written to avoid any kind of confusion.
The SOP for purchase will help in streamlining the process of buying various medicines which will cut the overhead for managing from where to buy what. All the purchases can be done from various vendors and still maintained properly in chronological order.
We all know” health is wealth”. We should take care of our health. But sometimes due to unavoidable circumstances we face health issues. Few people go for a regular health check-up.
In both the cases hospital or clinic visit is required.
Because of bad health patients and their attendants get confused about how to start with the treatment process. So to avoid such circumstances standard written procedures will help them.
Guidelines will help patients and their attendants in maintaining patience and silence. As every hospital has its own set of rules, specialties & timing. The booking procedure will patients in understanding the rules related to taking an appointment for visiting the outpatient department.
For consulting your physician first thing is taking an appointment. The prior appointments will help in avoiding long waiting hours and rush in the hospital premises.
It will also help in maintaining discipline inside the hospital.
In this era of technology, appointment booking can be done offline as well through digital mode also.
Taking appointments through digital mode will help in saving time, energy and money.
Steps for booking an appointment through a telephone calls
- Call the hospital’s customer service department.
- Tell about your unique identification number so that they can check your records.
- Tell them about the doctor and his department with whom you want to consult.
- If you are a new patient you have to visit the hospital as your enrollment is required first.
Steps for booking through the hospital website
- Go to the hospital website first.
- Go to book appointment.
- Log in with your enrollment details.
- Fill your details required for booking an appointment.
- Do the payment and get your appointment number.
Steps for taking appointment through online mode
- Visit the hospital or clinic first.
- If you are visiting for the first time enroll yourself.
If you are already enrolled. Provide reception staff with your enrollment number and your hospital card.
- Tell them about the name of the doctor whom you like to visit.
- Pay the consultation fees.
- Now your appointment is booked.
- Wait for your turn patiently.
Disclaimer:- These are general steps. Please do confirm the information from the hospital before taking the appointment.
As per the definition, a room or suite of rooms Designed for the safe performance of the surgical operation is known as operation theater.
-Collin’s medical dictionary
Operation theatre is a crucial part of any hospital. Life-saving procedures are done in the operating room. The number of operation rooms depends on the specialties available in the hospital.
There are two types of the operation room
- Minor operation room
It is mostly available in the outpatient department for doing small procedures. For getting procedures done in the minor operation theatre patients don’t need a special date or appointment. It is done within OPD. Examples of minor operation room procedures are removal style, cryotherapy, small incisions for removing pus from skin eruptions.
-Operation room for major surgeries
This room is fitted with or the life-saving equipment. Major surgeries like laparotomy, open heart surgeries, etc are performed here. Special permission and prior booking is required for operation theatre.
The operating room is not a place where general patients are allowed. It is a restricted area. Therefore it is very important there should be written standard guidelines for entering the operation room for patients and staff both.
For making staff aware of what are the do’s and don’ts for giving the appointment to the patient for operation theatre, these guidelines are mandatory.
Given guidelines include steps for patients to book the operation room.
Most of the hospital’s days are fixed for performing major surgeries except for emergency cases. So patients who require surgery need to take a prior appointment for the operation room.
- First step is patient should visit out patient department .
- The patient should get written advice from the doctor regarding the type of surgery required.
- After taking the doctor’s advice patient should visit the department of operation room for filling up the consent form.
- The form should be duly signed by the patient-doctor and operating room staff.
- Once the form is submitted patient is advised to undergo a few tests.
- These tests are done to identify whether
The patient is fit for the surgery or not.
- When test results are available it is shown to the concerned doctor.
- If reports are suitable for performing the surgery it is given to the staff of the operation room.
- As per the availability of the dates the patient is provided with the date of booking for his / her operation.
*These steps can be avoided in case of emergency. The patient can be directly shifted to the operation room as per the doctor’s advice.
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Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.