List of Standard Operating Procedures for Coworking

SOPs are usually written to streamline the process taking place in any organization. This helps in the standardization of anything happening in one organization but having different branches. Coworking spaces have been on a rise for the last 5 years and now when one person is opening multiple locations. SOP’s will help them manage their space in a better way. The usual processes in which are there in coworking space are Sale of seats or cabins, event organization, dispute reporting, purchase of inventory, etc

1. SOP Client Onboarding

The process for onboarding for new clients will be followed for anyone joining us irrespective of the type of seat they have taken i.e Cabin, Flexi open desk, dedicated open desk, 10 days pass.


Send a welcome message along with the registration form to the new client.

Wait until the proposal/contract as been signed. If you have any upfront fees, make sure they’ve paid. Also, collect all the documents i.e Pancard, GST (if it is a company).

Assign the client to their new community manager. Inform any stakeholders that they’ve been assigned a new client.

Set up the desks/cabins as per their pre-decided requirements.

Have an internal meeting with the team around the client. Share all the information now.

Have your team introduce themselves via email

Ensure that the client kickoff meeting happens and it was a success.

Have your team follow up with a ‘thank you’ message post-click kickoff meeting with next steps clearly laid out.

Send a physical welcome package to now. Include pens, a handwritten letter, etc.

30 days later, have a checkup call with your team and the client.

2. SOP Community Manager Cover-up


The purpose of this SOP is that if any community manager is planning any leaves or there will be any delays in their reporting time, who will manage the location on their behalf and also what basic set of instruction should be provided to them.


This standard of the procedure will be used by community managers and also ad-hoc community manager who will be the in-charge of the place for the duration. It will cover their roles and responsibilities with the set of emergency contacts that they can reach out to in situations where they cannot act alone.


If a community manager is planning to take a leave for a day or two, they need to first check with their immediate community manager in that location who attends a part-time or full-time shift in the same location.

If the immediate community manager is unable to fill in the void, the person should reach out to Priti Dalal (Operations Manager) Uncubate ventures.

If Priti is also unable to provide with a solution, the issue will be escalated to Sneh Bhavsar, CEO (Uncubate Ventures)

Basic Instructions to the immediate person taking the responsibility-

Provide them with a brochure for the company.

If any leads come in, update their details on Skype (Uncubate S&M)

Day to day activities of the location, which will involve walk-in clients, providing tea and coffee to the co-workers and also maintaining discipline in the space.

These steps need to be followed by the community manager and unplanned leaves are not encouraged at all. Please intimate about any long leaves which you are planning as you have the responsibility of one whole location.

3. SOP Community Manager


The purpose which is to be served by this document is to list all the responsibilities of the community managers present in each location. This will help them in understanding the criticality of their roles and responsibilities.


This document will cover a community manager’s daily responsibility which will be cross-domain i.e admin, HR,



4. SOP Employee Onboarding

Employee Onboarding is your first impression on the client, so make sure the person feels comfortable and not out of the place. You should try to be formal yet friendly and make sure you clear each and every doubt of them regarding the offer letter and employment contract.

1-1 Purpose.

To establish the operating procedures and execution framework for implementing the Employee Onboarding Program.

1.2 Scope

This procedure will cover onboarding steps to be followed for anybody joining Uncubate, irrespective of their role, department, and experience.

Before the Person Join


Prepare paperwork
Discuss role, goals, and projects with supervisor
Prepare employee’s workstation
Give access to any tools they will need
Create accounts
Assign required reading
Prepare benefits package
Provide a job description with responsibilities

First day:

Welcome to the team
Tour of the office
Assign training material
Explain your expectations
Induct into the company culture
Assign a mentor
Take out to lunch

First week:

Assign the first project
Explain expectations for the following month
Meet to check over the paperwork

First month:

Plan check-in meetings
Explain long-term goals
Provide reading material for personal growth
Encourage them to socially interact with the team
Review the onboarding process over the next 60 days

5. SOP Expense Sheet


The purpose of this document is that all the expense of Uncubate Ventures can be recorded at one place which makes the process of budgeting easy and transparent. This document will help us understand the pattern of expenses in each location and hence inventory purchase will be made easier.


This document will be used at every branch of Uncubate ventures and all the expenses irrespective of the departments they are made for. Expense sheet will be created by the operations manager and shared with all the community manager, who would be required to update it on a day-to-day basis.


-One excel file will be maintained for all the locations with every location having their own independent sheet.

-Every expense will be recorded in the sheet on a daily basis so that it can be reviewed regularly.

– In the monthly meeting of Uncubate, any advance requirement for the following month can be shared and hence will be taken care of.


-All the purchases should be approved by the higher authorities. Keep the sheet updated and late records will not be entertained.

– You need to provide the list of inventory for every location on or before the 5th of every month.

6. SOP Purchase


The purpose of creating this document is to streamline the process of creating the list and placing purchase orders to the vendor with the approval of the concerned authorities i.r Sneh and Priti. This process will be followed for each daily, weekly and monthly purchase.

Points to be kept in mind-
Vendor details to be submitted.
Products need to be listed and get approved.
Try to get the product list from all the locations and place collective order.
SUBJECT: Purchase Requisition Preparation
GENERAL: The purchase requisition is the document used to inform the concerned that goods [ Stationary, Janitorial, and Grocery] are required for UNCUBATE. It is the basis for the preparation of a purchase order.


  1. Ensure that the item to be requisitioned is an eligible Uncubate expense.
  2. Obtain blank copies of requisition (See table 1)
  3. Indicate if the item is not available through a blanket purchase order.
  4. Complete the requisition form by entering the following data:
  5. Department [Grocery, Janitorial, Stationary]
  6. Date of request
  7. Invoice Number
  8. Product name and Description
  9. Quantity
  10. Unit price (if known)
  11. Total price
  12. Purpose of the order
  13. Delivery point [ Phoenix, Viva, WorkingCo]
  14. Approvals: Contact UNCUBATE Coordinator
  15. Deliver the requisition form to the accounting department so that a purchase order can be prepared.


Invoice Number-

The items listed above are a proper charge against the appropriation shown hereon and the services or materials are to be used exclusively for the purpose against which said items are charged.

                                Approved: _______________
                                Coordinator ____________ 

7. SOP Sales [ Flexi desk, Open dedicated desk , Cabin]


The purpose of this document is to streamline the process of sales for Uncubate. This will make the process more clear and concise for anyone joining the team at any point of time in future. Sales management would be done easily with the help of a pre-defined set of instructions. The regularly recurring sales processes that are to be conducted or followed within an organization.


The scope of this document will cover various aspects of sales from attending the lead to sending invoices. This also covers the people who will be covered under this ranging from the sales executive to anybody who handles a part of the sales process.


The sales process will include various steps, described below-

Define the medium through which the lead has come.
Our website lead form.
Direct walk-in in uncubate
Call the lead with on the provided number.
Send space information according to the requirement mentioned via Email or WhatsApp.
If the commitment of a minimum of 6 months is there, offer discount 6%.

Points to be taken care of –

5% discount not applicable to people taking day pass or 10 days pass for 6 months duration.

Approval of Sales

Any sales which are going to be finalized needs to get approval from the person leading the team. Negotiations and price finalization will need approval and discussion. Approval of the sales will be required to be taken from the concerned person i.e Sneh and Priti

Confirmation of sales

The sales need to be confirmed through a written mode i.e Email and also a duly filled Registration form with documents.Pan card is compulsory for anybody joining irrespective of being an individual or a company.

  • GST certificate needs to be submitted if the company is has got it.
  • For address proof, any photo ID proof Voter ID, Passport, Aadhar card, Ration card, Driving license, can be accepted.

Invoice Generation

After receiving all the documents and registration form from their side, we will generate an invoice from our side.


The payment needs to be received in advance. The payment will include 1 rent and 1 deposit.

Points to be noted-

The payment structure will depend on the commitment and also the requirements of the client like duration of the lease, the number of seats required, lockin period for them.


After receiving the payment, the service level agreement should be made, reviewed and sent along with the house rules. Get that signed from the client and proceed further.

Update Vacant seat

After the whole procedure of joining has been complete including the advance payment and deposit, update the number of vacant seats for the particular location and also the overall vacant seats for all three locations.


Once the client has completed 1 month, get their feedback for our services and the working culture in the premises.

coworking space sops formats

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